The Elephant in the Org
The "Elephant in the Org" podcast is a daring dive into the unspoken challenges and opportunities in organizational development, particularly in the realm of employee experience. Hosted by the team at The Fearless PX, we tackle the "elephants" in the room—those taboo or ignored topics—that are critical for creating psychologically safe and highly effective workplaces.
The Elephant in the Org
From Burnout to Breakthrough: Our Season 1 Wrap-up
As we close the chapter on Season 1 of The Elephant in the Org, join hosts Marion, Cacha, and Danny for a heartfelt reflection on our journey so far. In this special finale episode, we look back at the highs, the laughs, and the eye-opening moments that have shaped our podcast.
We'll reminisce about our favorite guests, from Jessica Donahue's candid talk on workplace trauma to Neil Pretty's thought-provoking discussion on psychological safety as a KPI. We'll share how these conversations have educated us and inspired change in our professional practices.
But it's not all nostalgia - we've got some news to share! Tune in to hear about our upcoming summer hiatus and why we're taking this important break. Don't worry, though - we've got some teasers about what to expect when we return in the fall for Season 2.
Whether you've been with us since episode one or just discovered us now, this wrap-up is the perfect way to celebrate the impact of open, honest conversations about the elephants in our orgs. Plus, we've got some exciting calls to action that will keep you engaged during our break.
So grab your favorite beverage, find a comfy spot, and join us for this season finale. Let's raise a toast to breaking down barriers, challenging norms, and continuing to evolve the world of HR together.
Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss our return in the fall. The elephant in the org may be taking a vacation, but trust us - it'll be back with even more to trumpet about!
Link to show notes.
Links to contact our amazing guests:
Adam Horne
Connect with Us:
- Follow The Fearless PX on Linkedin at The Fearless PX
- Reach out to Marion, Cacha, and Danny at elephant@thefearlesspx.com
- You can find all episodes of The Elephant in the Org here.
We encourage you to subscribe and leave a review if you found this episode enlightening!
From April 2024, all new episodes of The Elephant In the Org will be posted bi-weekly.
Music Credits:
Opening and closing theme by The Toros.
Production Credits:
Produced by The Fearless PX, Edited by Marion Anderson.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are exclusively those of the hosts and do not necessarily reflect any affiliated organizations’ official policy or position.
Transcript - Episode 31 - Season 1 Review
00:00:03.090 --> 00:00:09.680
Danny Gluch: Welcome back to the elephant in the org, everyone! I'm Danny Glutch. I'm here with my co-hosts. Cacha aDora
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Cacha Dora: Hello.
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Danny Gluch: And Marion Anderson.
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Marion: Hi.
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Danny Gluch: And
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Danny Gluch: we have some big news. Everyone.
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Danny Gluch: We are, as you know, huge advocates for taking a break when you need to take a break for taking care of yourself
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Danny Gluch: and boy is this summer a thing everyone is sick, everyone's got life changes happening. The world is upside down. I don't know what's going on.
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Danny Gluch: And we realized, wow, we've got to 30 episodes which congratulations everyone, that is like 15 times longer than the average podcast. Link.
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Cacha Dora: Is it really.
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Danny Gluch: Yeah, I I believe it's like 2 and a half episodes or something. So whatever my math is bad, ignore that.
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Cacha Dora: I mean, I believed you without you telling me anything. So it was perfect.
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Danny Gluch: You know, it's like 2 and a half or 3. Actually, it's it's people do not do a lot of podcasts. And we've made it. We've done really. Well. I'm really proud of the work we've done.
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Danny Gluch: but
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Danny Gluch: it's time for a break. It's time to get a breather. We've run out of our. We build up episodes so we can release them without having to record every week. That's a peek behind the curtain. Sorry about that, and it's just time to take care of ourselves, and we're going to take a summer break. We're going to be back around the fall with lots of great episodes. We already have a couple lined up, and I'm really excited about those.
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Danny Gluch: But some of these changes are really cool, and you know it's it's why we're taking a break. Life changes happen. Marion, you're moving across the country. What.
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Marion: Maybe I am. I'm gonna be an old Southern housewave, sitting on the port.
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Cacha Dora: Dishing the tea. Marion won't be able to drink tea without dishing tea.
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Danny Gluch: Marrying, going the trad wife route was not my expectation.
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Marion: Yeah. Well, finally, I. So I'm moving to North West Arkansas, and it is my second home. It's been my second home for 16 years. My Bestie lives there, and I love it there. So I'm very excited and I'm not gonna lie. I'm probably the most excited
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Marion: about leaving the desert, because last week it was a hundred 27. One day.
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Danny Gluch: Oh, and that's not like the the feels like that's just the you go outside. And the temperature says, like in your car, 1, 27.
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Marion: It's just fucking hot, right? Like you just go outside. It's too hot to even go in the pool, because even the pools hot. So you know I'm I'm this is my 3rd to desert, so I'm ready for a change in temperature, and I'm looking forward to some seasonality and some fall and fall in Arkansas. It was. Ours is gorgeous, so I'm very excited to get big life change for me this summer.
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Danny Gluch: Yeah, and starting a new role on Monday and moving across country. This is, yeah. We're not recording another episode this week.
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Marion: There's a lot going on.
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Cacha Dora: You juggle the big life, change, you juggle it.
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Danny Gluch: And apparently Covid is happening. Did you guys.
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Cacha Dora: The big summer spike, the big summer spike.
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Marion: And our President was infallible to the Covid. So yeah, seems to be going around.
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Danny Gluch: Yeah. Oh, oh, goodness! Well.
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Danny Gluch: let's take the time. 30 episodes, or it's, I guess, 31, including this one. Is a real accomplishment. And and I just wanted us to reflect.
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Danny Gluch: You know what were some of your your favorite moments or episodes, funny things things that you'll remember forever.
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Cacha Dora: The the thing that we.
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Danny Gluch: Tasha, I'm right.
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Cacha Dora: Going first.st I got you.
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Danny Gluch: Like I was gonna pick on Mary, cause it was her idea.
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Marion: Yeah.
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Cacha Dora: Well, I can't! I can't. I can't let this one go, because the very 1st episode we did I wasn't in.
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Marion: You had just had surgery so.
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Cacha Dora: I had. But it cracks me up that our very 1st episode had you guys speaking on my behalf.
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Cacha Dora: which I love doing because I was like, Hey, Bob, you wanna hear what people really think about me.
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Marion: Oh, my gosh, yeah, that seems like a long time ago.
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Cacha Dora: It feels like a lifetime ago, but it was like October.
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Cacha Dora: Yeah.
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Cacha Dora: And here we are. But yeah, that that I to me, that's 1 of the more entertaining things. Just because, how funny is it to have a podcast for the 1st episode, so much to see.
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Marion: Yeah.
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Marion: but it can't be helped. Can't be helped.
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Cacha Dora: No, not all the time, not all the time.
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Marion: I think
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Marion: one of the most important ones I mean. A lot of them were conversations with important, but certainly one that we talked about.
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Marion: And I still reference regularly is recording with Jessica Donahue and leaning into invisible wounds and psychological safety and workplace trauma. And it's something that. You know, I've really always been passionate about, you know. I I don't hate the fact that I've had my own mental health issues. And you know it's given me the confidence
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Marion: to be even more candid and transparent about these things. You mentioned. I'm starting a new role, and I've been very upfront from the beginning that I come with
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Marion: certain things, and that makes me you know, that adds to the richness of me and all the gifts that I bring to my new role. But you know I also have these things, too, and and you know we we don't put our lives in boxes, and we come as a whole package.
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Marion: So you know I don't.
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Cacha Dora: Rich tapestry. Yeah.
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Marion: And I I
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Marion: that has given me confidence to be a lot more, even more transparent about my own things. And you know, I hope that you know anyone else who listen to that that episode felt the same and and took some things away. Jessica is very transparent. And
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Marion: yeah, it was. It wasn't incredible.
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Marion: Yeah, that way.
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Cacha Dora: And if you're not following her on Linkedin, please go do so.
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Danny Gluch: Yeah, she she also is is going out there and putting out some really great stuff about sherm dropping equity from deib. I know.
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Marion: Did that happen? I I didn't notice.
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Danny Gluch: Oh, yeah, yeah, you should listen to our episode.
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Danny Gluch: It's really great. I've got a whole podcast on it.
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Marion: Excuse me.
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Danny Gluch: And yeah, it's
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Danny Gluch: that it's it's such a big deal. And I love seeing the people that we've had on the podcast. Really, not.
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Cacha Dora: Oh, my! Gosh!
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Danny Gluch: It just really solidifies that that we're good at picking guests.
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Cacha Dora: My God! Little.
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Danny Gluch: Our little circle. Our network is is a leading voice, and that makes me really proud of the stuff we're doing here.
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Cacha Dora: Yeah.
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Danny Gluch: But my favorite moment
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Danny Gluch: is one y'all will never be privy to except for Marion. She was there
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Danny Gluch: when we were recording our 1st episode
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Danny Gluch: sat down. It was a banger of an episode, too. It was.
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Marion: Yes.
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Danny Gluch: Spicy and good, and it was like man. If people listen to this, they're going to be hooked. They're going to want to listen to every episode. And then I went to hit, stop recording.
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Danny Gluch: And instead, it's instead, it says, recording started
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Danny Gluch: because I did the ultimate Podcaster move of not having hit record at the beginning of the episode.
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Marion: Why? Why?
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Cacha Dora: I forgot about that.
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Cacha Dora: But about that.
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Danny Gluch: Lost to the ether is our 1st episode.
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Cacha Dora: You know what we were brilliant, and the only ones that know it are our brains.
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Danny Gluch: Goodness
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Cacha Dora: I w- i w-.
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Danny Gluch: Though.
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Cacha Dora: I will say, Marian, you were. You were talking about the episode with Jessica, and it really did make me
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Cacha Dora: remember the the guests that I was the most fascinated by
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Cacha Dora: just based on their their experience, then their perspectives. Not that I I don't. It's really hard to pick like a single favorite like you said, because we've had such incredible guests.
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Cacha Dora: Was was Josie
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Cacha Dora: having Josie on I could have listened to her talk for hours. It was so wonderful just to hear her perspective of
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Cacha Dora: the people space, and that intertwining of the business space, and how that really changes.
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Cacha Dora: what the people experience looks like oh, man, like I I was like you. You could be a college professor for me, and I would just be like writing notes until my hand fell off like.
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Danny Gluch: She'd be really good at that job.
00:08:36.150 --> 00:08:49.450
Cacha Dora: I think she would be very empowering, very empowering. But yes, she was been one of my favorite guests, and I think about her episode so often in my professional career, which is I think really telling. And
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Cacha Dora: I I'm like, Please come back. I think I think it would be great.
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Marion: We really have had some powerhouse women.
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Cacha Dora: We have.
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Marion: You know Michelle Minneken stands out from.
00:08:59.640 --> 00:09:00.270
Cacha Dora: Yes.
00:09:00.270 --> 00:09:20.899
Marion: Love, Michelle, and fucking Work for women was the title of that Podcast and you know she is so passionate about gender equality. Again topical but really empowering women to to take their seat and to find their voice and
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Marion: and she's so funny at the same time.
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Cacha Dora: Oh, a riot, an absolute riot.
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Marion: Yeah, she's hilarious. And you know, I I reference that episode often, actually, that it's a lot of people to to her content. If we're gonna talk. Really funny women. You know, hands down. It's gonna be 10 min. She.
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Cacha Dora: Kim.
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Danny Gluch: Can I talk about the elephant in the room right now?
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Danny Gluch: That we had a Kim Minnick and a Michelle Minneken will never be the hardest thing for me to keep in in my head. I will never get their last names right because of that.
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Marion: Always.
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Danny Gluch: The wrong one. It's a 50 50 chance, and I always get it wrong.
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Marion: So for anyone who's not familiar with Kim linnick. She is a fractional head of people, and she really specializes in performance management, and she's someone that we connect with a lot we do some work with.
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Marion: and she is hilarious. At the same time. She just cracked me up from start to finish.
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Marion: But again, another leading voice, particularly in the performance management space. And it's something that we've talked a lot about this season, just because performance management is shit everywhere, you know. Let's be honest. Nobody does performance management. Well, nobody. I've certainly never seen it, and I think it's something that we all strive for, and I think that
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Marion: you know we we all agree with Kim and many of our peers. That performance management as it is today, as Kim educated us. The current format started in the thirties. You know, it needs to be blown up with the biggest stick of dynamite and started again, and I love that. There's so many progressives out there that are really starting to
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Marion: take this and run with it and shake things up.
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Danny Gluch: Oh, and the work Greer is doing.
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Cacha Dora: Yeah, I was about to say that, yeah.
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Marion: Yeah, pretty good as well. The work over at Flynn is phenomenal and then obviously
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Marion: safe. Project. We have the performance innovation collective.
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Marion: And, Danny, you're doing some work with him next week.
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Danny Gluch: Yeah, the I mean at this point, when people listen to this, it'll it'll be you have to sign up real quick, or you're gonna have to listen to the pre recorded panel. But yeah, we've got Adam. Who was on what he was our was he our 1st guest.
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Cacha Dora: Think Adam was our 1st guest.
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Danny Gluch: Adam from the what's his? The open org?
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Danny Gluch: And he's going to be one of our expert panelists. And we're going to be talking specifically, addressing what it means that Sherm dropped equity from de and I.
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Danny Gluch: And then, okay, whether equity is on the masked head or not.
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Danny Gluch: it's the work we need to be doing, because it's the right thing to do. It's the fair thing to do. So how do we have equitable change or equitable performance management is
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Danny Gluch: extremely complicated, and and there's been an outpouring of people. We have
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Danny Gluch: what? Close to 200 people signed up for it already, who are just like, really, really wanting to hear that. And it's amazing that, like the
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Danny Gluch: our little lists of guests are like really involved in in being thought leaders in this for people around the world are saying, Hey, like, we want to know how this works and like they were on our little podcast.
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Cacha Dora: When we were just starting out before people knew who we were.
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Marion: Apparently we're big in Germany who knew? But we have Germany. So that's cool.
00:13:01.470 --> 00:13:03.600
Danny Gluch: My last name is Gluc.
00:13:03.980 --> 00:13:05.120
Marion: Plug the gates
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Marion: each time this interaction.
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Danny Gluch: Of course, you know
00:13:11.300 --> 00:13:12.080
Danny Gluch: it's.
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Cacha Dora: Pull another one out of the hat, Mary, she's pulling another one out of the hat.
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Danny Gluch: 1 1 episode that I I think about a lot because I think it. It has a thread through a lot of our episodes, was the the Lnd episode. With Ruth Crick. With Jim. Oh, I I forget his last name.
00:13:34.860 --> 00:13:52.120
Danny Gluch: Yes, and I'd never met Jim before that episode. And I was like, oh, you know, he said he, he doesn't love this sort of like recorded podcast kind of thing. But you know, I trust that he's going to be great, and that conversation it like haunts me in the best possible way.
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Marion: Because.
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Danny Gluch: Every organization I read about, or you know, I'm talking with peers, friends.
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Danny Gluch: and and hearing about where they work, how their organization works. And it just it haunts me that there is this other way to do it. And people are choosing not to.
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Danny Gluch: And and a lot of it is because they don't know better.
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Danny Gluch: but I think even if they did, that they wouldn't be doing it, cause I think their way about going about including
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Danny Gluch: including the employees in the process. Empowering them, brings so much psychological safety. It brings so much change management. It brings.
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Cacha Dora: About to say I was like, that's a key tentative change management when done right.
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Danny Gluch: Yeah, it shifts the lens of what performance management is even measured. Right? It it does all of these things that we're talking about. And it just it haunts me that there's this thing that that.
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Cacha Dora: Could be? It could be
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Danny Gluch: And and I'm I'm sure you know they're still. They're still working on it and making you know what they have to offer better and better. And and they're still understanding. And they're still learning, and they're still playing with what it could be.
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Danny Gluch: But like there is something that just on a baseline is better, and I just I want
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Danny Gluch: people to have it.
00:15:03.640 --> 00:15:07.470
Marion: Yeah, for sure, it was such a powerful episode. And I just love.
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Marion: you know, when you bring the meeting of the minds of the the people professional and the CEO, and they're on the same page that is just absolutely golden.
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Marion: but golden. And you know, really inspirational. And you know, love to speak to to them again in the future cause, I think really exciting stuff over there. I think just another episode that stands out was with our friend Neil pretty from.
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Cacha Dora: Yes, with the Aristotle.
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Marion: Aristotle, yet.
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Cacha Dora: Yeah.
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Marion: And throwing down the question on the table, should and should, psychological safety be a measurable kpi
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Marion: and for once it was Maddie and doing the Danny squint.
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Marion: thanks. I'm like, yeah.
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Marion: no. Another thing that people can fuck up and another. You know, Bat, that people can be hit over the head with.
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Cacha Dora: One.
00:16:06.540 --> 00:16:32.336
Marion: Into the philosophical side of the conversation. You know. There, there's there was some really compelling reasons that it should be considered, but I think that, you know we're all realists, and we know exactly how these things tend to get used. You take these glorious academic terms which really do explain phenomena, but then they just get used in a completely, you know, misunderstood and appropriate way, and then they just become.
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Danny Gluch: Really elementary way is what becomes the problem.
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Marion: Absolutely, so.
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Cacha Dora: I took.
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Marion: Opinion is changed on that one but then, you know ultimately his opinion as well was aligned with ours. It shouldn't be that it's a measurable. But the components of psychology
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Marion: are the things that should be and could be measured. But yeah, it's I. I really love that conversation that was such a great one.
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Cacha Dora: It really really was. It really was, and I think the thing right. And I I don't wanna say we beat it over the head. But we care so much
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Cacha Dora: about the impact and the reality of what psychological safety looks like.
00:17:11.109 --> 00:17:14.150
Cacha Dora: that getting to talk to someone who
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Cacha Dora: their whole ethos is around, that is.
00:17:20.069 --> 00:17:37.409
Cacha Dora: I don't know. For me. It was very cool. I felt like I felt like the young nerd in the room who was like, oh, there's a different thought process. Oh, there's a new perspective, and just kind of getting to collect things. And I think that's 1 of the things that we've all talked about in separately and together, as a group is just how much we have learned from that.
00:17:37.410 --> 00:17:37.750
Danny Gluch: Yeah.
00:17:37.750 --> 00:17:52.049
Cacha Dora: People who have been on this podcast and how it's opened us up to new thought processes, new thought avenues, new resources that we didn't know exist. Other thought leaders that other people were sharing. And
00:17:52.260 --> 00:18:05.849
Cacha Dora: I think that you know, it means that there's so many more open doors just for us as people in the people space, I mean. Take a look. You know, we had a fantastic conversation with Adam Weber, and you know
00:18:06.050 --> 00:18:18.819
Cacha Dora: I loved that conversation, because it felt like a like a conversation with someone that like you you used to know back in college, and it's been forever. And you were playing catch up, and they were just throwing out all these insight bombs. And you were just like.
00:18:18.900 --> 00:18:27.889
Cacha Dora: Oh, my God! I can't even keep up with this! It was fantastic, but I mean that I love that, that we get that opportunity here on the elephant in the work because
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Cacha Dora: I I don't. I don't see it stopping. I think that we're gonna continue to have our minds blown by our guests.
00:18:32.950 --> 00:18:33.270
Marion: Yeah.
00:18:33.710 --> 00:18:41.309
Danny Gluch: I I that totally is is why we're we're still doing this. It it really is the the amount I've learned.
00:18:42.960 --> 00:19:02.529
Danny Gluch: I'll I'll never forget like in. And I I actually just posted about this today. I was responding to one of Adam's posts saying, this reminded me of something Paula brought up on her episode in the 1st like 5 min, and you'll hear like I've I've you know, been interested in change management and sort of organizational design development in like
00:19:02.710 --> 00:19:14.870
Danny Gluch: for most of my adult life, and have have worked in it or studied it for so long. And in the 1st 5 min she said something that just had my jaw on the floor like holy cow
00:19:15.337 --> 00:19:21.059
Danny Gluch: and I remember it was so much like effort is put into what can be done.
00:19:21.640 --> 00:19:24.779
Danny Gluch: And really we need to think about how can we be?
00:19:25.470 --> 00:19:28.539
Danny Gluch: And I just went. Oh, she's right.
00:19:28.540 --> 00:19:43.075
Marion: Yeah, and and just refits and back. So that's Paula Brockwell, who is an incredible organization psychologist based in the Uk. That episode title was probably one of my favorites. Organize culture, change management. Why, it usually goes tips up
00:19:45.710 --> 00:19:50.979
Marion: cause it always does. It always does. So yeah, that was a good one.
00:19:50.980 --> 00:20:03.489
Danny Gluch: That was. And you know all the opportunities we've had to learn from again. And it's not just that they're different perspectives like we. We can follow these people on Linkedin, and you can get the perspective pretty well.
00:20:03.520 --> 00:20:13.219
Danny Gluch: But there's something about sitting down and and listening to this. These conversations, and even just going back and relistening to our episodes as much as I hate hearing myself talk.
00:20:13.629 --> 00:20:27.609
Danny Gluch: You know, going down and still listening to the episodes, because I want to hear fresh again the the depth of experience and insight that these experts can bring. It's just it's so awesome. I'm so proud to be here.
00:20:27.950 --> 00:20:28.690
Marion: Yeah, me, too.
00:20:28.690 --> 00:20:29.460
Cacha Dora: One.
00:20:29.460 --> 00:20:52.439
Marion: I think at this point we'd just love to extend again our gratitude for everyone who's listened, but also everyone who's guestied on the show, shared their insights and their passions. Helped educate us and others, and also are really part of being a force for change. They're part of a collective who really do want to move our profession forward?
00:20:52.771 --> 00:21:09.478
Marion: Because ultimately we all think the same thing, you know, make your people happy. Then they're gonna produce. And then you're gonna make money. You know. What we do is not rocket science. It's not brain surgery. And unfortunately, I think that there are entities that like to over complicate things.
00:21:09.800 --> 00:21:23.279
Marion: it. It's really as simple as that. So you know, we're super thankful for all of the people that we've connected with over the last year that share the same outlook and passions as us, and I'm excited for Season 2. When we come back in the fall.
00:21:23.660 --> 00:21:29.670
Danny Gluch: I'm also excited for Season 2. I've already got a couple of guests lined up. One be a repeat, guest.
00:21:30.820 --> 00:21:31.996
Marion: Well, let's keep that
00:21:32.290 --> 00:21:33.580
Danny Gluch: Mystery, guest.
00:21:33.580 --> 00:21:34.390
Marion: You really.
00:21:34.620 --> 00:21:36.820
Marion: Let's get that under wraps for now, and we'll see.
00:21:36.820 --> 00:21:58.719
Danny Gluch: Well, but the important thing is everyone. Be sure. Whatever platform you're listening on, be sure to hit the subscribe the like, the join the follow, whatever those buttons are, so that when we do come back you'll get the new episode. It'll alert you, and it'll download to your your device. That way. You're not going to miss anything, because you know, that's important.
00:21:59.760 --> 00:22:07.030
Danny Gluch: Also feel free to follow us on Linkedin. You can email us at Elephant, at the fearlesspx com. Anything else, ladies.
00:22:07.310 --> 00:22:10.459
Marion: No, I think we're good, happy summer vacation. Y'all.
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Danny Gluch: Yay, stay safe, mask up if you're going to public places.
00:22:17.420 --> 00:22:19.710
Danny Gluch: take care, everyone. Thank you so much.